Commission Blueprint Review

If you’ve read a Commission Blueprint review before, you know exactly how popular this product has become in recent years as one of the top rated affiliate marketing courses on the Internet. But, some reviews have an inherent bias as they try to sell you on the product and others are simply lacking in details, so this Commission Blueprint review will delve a bit deeper into what makes Commission Blueprint a good choice for beginning marketers like yourself.

The Good Stuff

Know that Commission Blueprint is another Clickbank marketing guide. There are quite a few of them out there and if one has already been successful for you, it’s unlikely you need another. However, if you’ve yet to find success on Clickbank or simply haven’t yet committed to a guide, keep reading.

Commission Blueprint is loaded with content – pure and simple. These days you shouldn’t even try to offer help in this niche unless you can bring the goods and CB does just that. The first thing you’ll likely look at is the series of 14 videos that walk you through using the program, choosing products, researching keywords, choosing your domain and so on. It’s a step by step video guide to getting started with Clickbank and if you have not yet started an affiliate campaign, the information and tips here are downright incredible.

The next thing our Commission Blueprint review looked at was the written guides, showing you how to create opt-ins, pre sale pages, and review pages. I found the opt-in guide downright incredible in terms of the time tested copywriting tactics that even some of the veteran marketers out there could learn something from. The best thing about these written guides (and the videos) is that theory and fluff are nowhere to be found. Every strategy has proof and examples of when and how it was used, all the while showing you how to do the same yourself.

Finally, there are the templates, which are fantastically well designed and help anyone get started with a pre-sell page in less than an hour. Three quarters of the course is boiled down and knocked out right here, saving you time and effort.

Overall, this Commission Blueprint review is flabbergasted by how good the content is here. High quality, well written, no fluff, and proven results. How can you beat that?

The Bad Stuff

No product is perfect and I’d be remiss if our Commission Blueprint review didn’t touch on the few shortcomings that CB does have. There is something of a laser focus on PPC advertising in the video course that I didn’t necessarily like. There are so many other powerful traffic generation tools out there that don’t require PPC budgets and while I know the course would be less structured, I think it would have been good to at least touch on them. Another issue you may find is that the keyword research section focuses pretty heavily on spending cash to use subscription based tools. Those who don’t know about the free keyword research tools out there might be discouraged by a guide telling them to go spend more money right away.

The bottom line here, though, is that Commission Blueprint is one of the best Clickbank instruction products on the market. This Commission Blueprint review, along with almost any other guide you’ll read, is completely sold on the product – from the video presentations to the written guides and the templates. If you’re looking for a product that will live up to its promise to show you how to develop an affiliate marketing empire, this is by far one of the best places you can start.